Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Watery Wednesday

I love little droplets! Aren't they so fresh looking? I know it's not very much 'water', but I think it counts. It rained a lot here today and there are little droplets on everything. Would it ruin it if I said this is a weed in my backyard? Cute little weed I think. Most people spend a long time trying to get rid of weeds, but my backyard is un-finished, and I'm glad there's something green back there instead of just dirt and rocks. See more water here.


Carletta said...

I love taking plants (weeds) with raindrops.
These look like little rhinestones! Nice shot!

Anonymous said...

That's a great looking photo, very refreshing.

Sarah A. Galang, Ph.D. said...

Wow, what a cool picture, so nice.


Unknown said...

I am always crazy about macro shots!....especially with water drops on leaves...u got one nice click!

Marie Reed said...

WHat a pretty shot! I love the raindrop polka dots!

penny said...

The green leaves are so lovely with light reflecting on the dew drops.

Anonymous said...

Very vibrant, indeed! Lovely shot!

Beautiful photos - Your Sky Watch mountain photo is gorgeous - not to mention your vibrantly colored flower photos

April said...

Beautiful water drops and lovely green leaves. Very nice!

Prospero said...

Hi Danielle. My back yard is also perpetually un-finished.

And yes, weeds often make the greatest subjects to photograph.

I see that you got quite a few comments regarding selecting a camera.

srp said...

A weed is only a flower in disguise! I love the tiny water droplets too.

2sweetnsaxy said...

I think the water drops are great. I like water drops too. I'm glad you like the things I photograph. :-)

I'm currently using a Fujifilm S8000fd. I bought it Jan. 2008 before I went on a jazz cruise because my other camera fizzed out on me and I didn't have time to get it fixed. This is actually the cheapest of the digital cams I've bought and I like this one the best. One of these days I'll upgrade to one with detachable lenses but for now this one does great for me. :-) There is a Canon equal to this but I don't know which model it is.

There's a really good review of this camera HERE

Arija said...

Nice shot, there is no such thing as a weed, it is just a plant out of place.

mosey (kim) said...

I've got to remember to get outside early enough to take a photo of our strawberry plant with the dew on it. Each little spike on each leaf always as a perfect drop of dew...

love this!